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Agenzie Immobiliari
Case in Provincia di Imperia (7978)
Il nostro studio immobiliare si occupa in prevalenza di compravendita immobiliare in provincia di Imperia, ma non solo. A tutti coloro, che hanno necessità di assistenza nel campo immobiliare, offriamo la nostra disponibilità nel fornire una consulenza gratuita, a patto che se ne discuta di persona e non al telefono. Ci stiamo anche specializzando nel fornire valutazioni immobiliare il più in linea possibile con l'andamento del mercato. Insomma, cerchiamo di svolgere il nostro lavoro con la massima professionalità e serietà possibile. Ci troviamo a Imperia nella tranquilla zona pedonale di Via XX Settembre al n°45 nel cuore di Porto Maurizio.
Sport and Free time
- - L'Universo delle Copertine (6492)
Universal Covers - L'Universo delle Copertine. Copertine DVD, PS2, PS3, CD Musicali, PC Game, Wii... Uscite DVD a noleggio. -
Copertine DVD by Publy World Cover (4966)
Copertine dvd tutte italiane e di ottima qualità. Oltre 35000 cover in archivio, sempre aggiornato con le ultime novità. In'oltre Copertine Audio, Psx, Ps2, Psp, DivX, Pc Game, Xbox, Xbox360 ed altro. -
Publy World - Free for you - Risorse gratuite (4244)
Publy World - Free for you Risorse gratuite. Software, Temi PSP e Nokia, Firmware, Suonerie, Giochi, Sfondi, Utility, Guide e tanto altro. Tutto Gratis.
Travels and Tourism
Salento in Vacanza - Salento in Annunci (4659) - Compra, Vendi, Affitta tutto quello che vuoi nel Salento. Pubblica i tuoi annunci gratis - Organizza le tue vacanze nel salento su
Legislation |
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The Inland Revenue has felt the need to reaffirm and clarify existing provisions under paragraph 1 of .35 of Decree 633/72, issued Resolution No. 60 dated May 16, 2006, on "VAT identification number on the website - Article 35, paragraph 1, of Presidential Decree No. 633 of 1972." [... With this measure the Inland Revenue states: The obligation to indicate the VAT number on the website notes for all taxable persons, regardless of the specific mode of pursuit.
The "Stanca Law" provides that the parameters to make all their sites accessible to disabled people. The Act provides that new contracts by the government for the development of websites are invalid if not meet accessibility requirements. Failure to comply with the provisions of the law by the public administrator involves managerial responsibility and disciplinary liability. With the development of e-government delivery of online information and services can be enjoyed by every citizen has become a priority and has captured public attention accessibility of websites, not only as a technical problem, but what element of democracy.
Starting a business e-commerce covers all requirements for starting a business. An enterprise that decides to adopt a system of electronic commerce is required to send notice on the municipality of residence, if individuals, or where the registered office is located. Only thirty days after receipt by the municipality that notice of the subject can legally begin to carry out its activities (Article 18 of Decree No 114/1998).
We summarize the main points of reference for the activities of e-commerce:
Finally, one of the most important sources of legislation on advertising and promotional campaigns (even for the Internet industry) is the Advertising Code dell'Autodisciplina Italian. This is not a true law, but those who adhere Institute of Advertising Self-Discipline (IAP) is required to respect and obey the decisions of the Board and the Jury. |